Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Few Lines

Today was spent going thru picture albums finding pictures to add to scrapbook pages while KC took his nap. I managed to complete 3 of them & will post as soon as I can.

I also chatted with my Grandmother on the phone. I had been told by my Aunt Judy that Grandma is starting to forget things. I noticed it today. Yesterday was Edith's (a friend and fellow tennant) birthday (Friday) and her daughter brought in a bottle of liquid that you can blow bubbles with. She enjoyed that and I am sure they got the giggles. There were pictures taken so I e-mailed the manager and hope to get a few for my scrapbook.

I wanted to attend Church services tonight, but around 4pm I got really sleepy so took a short nap instead. Fixed a light supper, watched some tv, played Mahjong Garden on Pogo, now I am off for a shower and some sleep. Hope to attend Sunrise Services & Easter Breakfast.

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